
Embark on the journey of innovation and efficiency with our holistic suite of value chain solutions, meticulously crafted to optimize every aspect of additive manufacturing. From feedstock supply to build plate programs, and extending to specialty components like re-coater blades and heat shields, we redefine the standards of excellence in additive manufacturing. 

Powder & Feedstock Supply Management

  • Complete inventory management solutions using predictive analytics to forecast demand patterns to optimize inventory levels and minimize excess stock.
  • Just-in-time solution ensures timely delivery of metal powders, eliminating production delays and reducing storage costs.
  • Quality control guarantees the consistency and purity of feedstock materials and powders, maximizing print reliability and part performance.
  • Customized feedstock solutions cater to the unique requirements of atomizers, ensuring optimal performance and material properties.
  • We offer a diverse range of wire feedstock materials tailored to suit DED and large-format additive manufacturing processes.

Build Plate Supply Chain Management

  • Our supply chain management solutions for build plates ensure seamless procurement and distribution, minimizing lead times and maximizing productivity.
  • Tailored programs cater to specific additive manufacturing needs, from prototyping to mass production.
  • Our Kanban solutions optimize inventory levels, reducing excess stock, and minimizing waste while ensuring uninterrupted production.
  • We offer custom packaging solutions tailored to your requirements, ensuring safe and efficient handling of materials from shipment to storage.

Re-Coater Blades & Heat Shields

  • Our re-coater blades are meticulously designed and manufactured to exacting standards, ensuring smooth and uniform powder deposition for flawless builds.
  • Engineered from high quality materials, our re-coater blades are designed to withstand the rigors of additive manufacturing, maximizing operational uptime and reliability.
  • Our heat shields provide effective thermal insulation, minimizing heat transfer and ensuring consistent build chamber temperatures for optimal printing conditions.
  • We offer a range of heat shield materials tailored to your specific application requirements, providing superior thermal performance and durability.